Sunday, July 21, 2013


Being a professional teacher does not make you really a professional. Yes, teaching is a career that provides challenges, excitement, personal reward and a chance to encourage and support others to achieve their goals. But belonging to a particular profession does not automatically guarantee that the service you provide is a professional one.

Complaining to another teacher about your student’s parents or fellow teachers will not do you any good in the long run. The school rumor mill is like a “Pass the Message” game. Your words will get twisted and usually wrong when the message reached the last person. This may compare to talking about someone or telling a simple story that gets passed around and changed that can lead to the person either feeling unhappy or angry.

So, what you gonna do if you could have problem with your student’s parents or fellow teachers? Well, I guess it would be better for you to talk to them directly in the presence of either your fellow teacher or school administrator.

"I still remember what my grandmother had told me when I was small. She used to say, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!” That is what I keep on my mind... And I would not gossip because I don’t want to get involved in any issues and intrigues."

But there are times it is really hard for you to avoid a person who says ‘unwanted words’. Perhaps, the best way that you can do is not listen to rumors or never pass on what you have heard. 

Wish that we could learn to promote a good harmonious relationships and atmosphere in school which no one would feel intimidated because of such simple spreading the rumors about someone.

Teachers should model good values, exhibit self-control and choose words carefully.

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