Monday, January 9, 2012

What Do You Feel When You Are Accused of Something You Didn't Do

Why you always get accused of things you haven’t done?  It seems like you didn’t do something good despite the fact that you’re trying your best to be supportive to win their hearts. Definitely, you will feel hurt and defensive when a person/s blamed or accused you for something you didn’t do such as  fabricating stories, making trouble and creating hatred within the family and some other things. And the worst is they accused you that you have been stolen something. Sometimes, through these false accusations, you can’t help yourself from crying when they come across your mind.  You proved your innocence several times but most often it fails because the accusers are coldhearted. Deep in your heart and in your mind, you know they speak bad things about you to other people, that could possibly give you a bad reputation.

In accusing other people, lying is always involved. It is really hard for the accuser/s to accept they are wrong. For them, it's easier to blame or accuse other people than to determine the truth behind the problem and try to find a solution. Accusers don't like to admit they feel guilty or swallow their pride.

Whew! How can we avoid people who are just unusual?

Clipart by PresconMedia

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