Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Recently, I have noticed that there are people who don't know what they are talkin' about... They're keep on using the word of God just to throw it deliberately to the people whom they most hated. Whew! They are really so funny and yet they make me pissed off! Well, I would suggest that these people should do some soul searching before criticizing others. How could they say and claim that they are Christians but  continuously do some unrighteous deeds like they talk no good things about other people that could possibly give them a bad reputation? How could somebody says that he/she is a true follower of Christ if couldn’t prove to himself/herself that there’s no hatred and bitterness in his/her heart completely but love, understanding and forgiveness? 

Ah ow… Hey young man, if you believe in the old saying that ‘success is better than any type of revenge’, you are 100% guaranteed fool guy! You bear this in your narrow mind and understanding, that if there is anger in your heart, you will not become successful but a loser. Anyway, go on to a non-stop competition with people who you think your opponents (that’s what you think but in fact they’re not) that you need to topple down.

Don’t pretend to be innocent of any wrongdoing because it could not be acceptable to God.  Kindly stay out of trouble so that nobody will stumble when you are claiming that you are a son of God especially when you are posting online about the goodness of being a true Christian but at the same time criticizing others.  

Try to evaluate yourself or take a LONG LOOK at the mirror rather so that you could see your own reflection. What you say about others is what you usually are.

Before you start pointing finger to anyone, make sure your finger is clean!

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